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Sunday 23 July 2023

Moths at Saron, Llandysul

    and back to moths and another hornet mimic. Last week I bought lures for the six clearwing species that may be in this area. I tried four with no success. However, this morning putting out the lure for the Lunar Hornet for the first time I attracted one within twenty minutes. I had positioned it by a patch of wet  woodland containing several mature willows adjoining our rhos pasture.I tried in other areas  with willow throughout the day but no further catches. I have tried for the Current Clearwing as we have had black, red and white currants for years but no success yet. Like Ian, I will keep trying - very pleased he managed to  catch one!

Working in our wildflower meadows yesterday I came across lots of these cocoon cases. I think they are from the five-spot burnet moth? We have seen several of the adults.


  1. Hi Sally, lots of Burnet Moth casings like this at Plantlife's Cae Blaen-dyffryn. Well done on your LHM.

  2. Thanks Arfon. You are getting some very good species.


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