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Saturday 22 July 2023

A brief diversion from moths....

 Answering Chris Handoll`s query regarding the hoverfly Chrysotoxum bicinctum  (see his earlier post)...this is a widespread species in Carmarthenshire, albeit usually in small numbers.

In recent years I`ve been regularly seeing the `hornet hoverfly` Volucella zonaria, a mimic of the true hornet Vespa crabro, which has also colonised much of the county in recent years.

Coincidentally, I caught a hornet hoverfly in the garden only yesterday (Fri 21/7) and took a photo...

Also see link here for more info re Carmarthenshire hoverflies (copy and paste it into Google or whatever)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info on the Chrysotoxum, Ian (I understand that it's a 'two-banded spearhorn' !) I will pay more attention to hover flies from now on although there aren't many of them around in current weather conditions.


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