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Saturday 22 July 2023

An unwanted 3rd vcr

 A third vice-county record that I`d rather not to have made was of the box moth Cydalina perspectalis (a quick `record shot` below), a colonist that is spreading rapidly and whose caterpillars feed on box. I have a tall length of box along part of my garden boundary, so do not want this moth! This latest record follows on from the first made by Chris Manley at Pontyberem and another caught by me last year. According to Chris`s book, it was first recorded in the UK during 2008 and it originated from Asia. I recorded the individual below on 6.7.23; a wax moth Galleria mellonella was rather more welcome in what was otherwise a rather uneventful trap.

1 comment:

  1. I have had this on the south coast and in Norfolk and I'm waiting for it to reach my trap.


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