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Friday 28 July 2023

Evergestis pallidata

 Caught last night (27/7) in my west Llanelli garden trap, Evergestis pallidata, and I think that it`s the first time that I have encountered this crambid moth since I caught it at Techon Marsh, Llwynhendy back in 1990. It is a feeder on various members of the brassica family, particularly winter cress Barbarea spp. Incidentally, `Techon Marsh` does not appear on any map, but it is a remnant area of wetland and disturbed (by overgrazing) wet pasture NE of Erw-las, Llwynhendy at c. SS 539992. I suspect that it may have been partially drained since then? If I remember correctly, this site also yielded some decent wainscot records.

 The 1990 Evergestis was later confirmed by Jon Baker (in the early 2000s) from the specimen caught at the site - as was another 1990 record of a rarer crambid, Sitochroa verticalis, also caught at Techon Marsh. Jon (and Sam) were able to see these specimens in the small collection of Carmarthenshire moths that I had made, which was lent to Jon to check through. 

Sam`s 2016 listing of Carms moths gives five records for Evergestis and just the one (my 1990 record) for Sitochroa.

                                                         Above: Evergestis pallidata.

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