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Saturday 29 July 2023

Not welcome...

 I used to get quite a few of these blighters - Tinea pellionella (aka `case-bearing clothes moth`) at my previous home at Pwll, Llanelli, where the bulk of them emanated from a stuffed Iceland Gull that I`d found storm blown, but alive, in Llanelli in late 1997 (it died soon after). The gull was later incinerated in a bonfire.

Fortunately, I rarely see them at my new home, just the occasional individual as today`s example, which promptly was killed in the freezer for photography (see below).

1 comment:

  1. You have my sympathies, Ian. We've been struggling with pellionella for several years, ever since my eldest daughter's flooring company kindly fitted our bungalow out with good quality wool carpets. The moths are very active at this time of year, we call them 'flutterers' because they flutter around in all the rooms (even the bathroom, which isn't carpeted) and are particularly annoying when we're watching TV in the evening. There's always a fly swat and a moth net to hand. Vacuuming, insecticide powder and pherome traps have all been used but they still keep coming!


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