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Tuesday 19 July 2022

Yet more moths from suburbia - a quick post

 My two west Llanelli garden traps were out again last night (18/7), an impossibly hot and uncomfortable night. The thermometer on a shaded wall (ok, not the same as in a sheltered Stevenson`s screen) was a roaring 28C at 5.00am, not comparable data with the Met Office network, but giving an idea how hot things are. My normal trick of opening all doors and windows at about dawn to flush cool air through the house unsurprisingly did not work today - though, as I write these words* - it`s pouring down with a heavy convectional shower! (* that was at 11.00 am, now -11.15 - it`s looking grey but dry...).

Anyway, the moths... I`ve said before that you can get a different suite of moths on consecutive nights and that trapping in hot weather is productive, even with cloudless skies. It was so last night, with plenty of moths and good variety. The best migrant was a scarce bordered straw and there are plenty of micros to go through - the heat encouraged dispersal as well as restless (ie worn) moths in the traps. In contrast to last night there were no cream-bordered green peas and only a single (male) four-spotted footman - illustrating my point that in these weather conditions repeat trapping is worthwhile. I`ll probably trap again tonight (Tues) before having a rest when cooler conditions return on Wednesday.

Above: top: scarce bordered straw and, below (for Adam Dare) a leopard moth.

1 comment:

  1. For all the dispersal there seem to be very few migrants about, Ian. Always nice to see a Leopard.


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