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Monday 18 July 2022

Spruce Bud Moth?

 Not as many in the trap this morning as I was expecting so it will be the MV out tonight and hang the expense!

 I did have a  nice Oak Eggar that I photographed on my hand to give an idea of size for friends and followers on my FB page. They never cease to be amazed at what is out there in the natural world. 

Also had another well marked (but badly photographed) Narrow winged Pug and a very tiny but faded pug that I believe to be a Haworths, the pic doesn’t show the pink abdomen very well.

Seeing Barry’s post, I think this may be a Spruce Bud Moth too, a first for me if it is.

Spruce Bud Moth?

Oak Eggar looking huge!
A tiny Haworths?
Such a beautifully marked Narrow-winged Pug and I messed up the photo…..


  1. Nice moths Jane, all correct.

  2. Strange about the Nw Pug photo Jane, it looked fine until I tried to enlarge it, then it went slightly out of focus. The others were OK when enlarged.

  3. It was a bad photo, but the only one I took, I had three more NWP two nights ago but had so many moths, 104 species, and it was so hot I didn’t take any pics at all.


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