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Monday 18 July 2022

Maenol 18/07/2022

 Moths in large numbers came here last night too, not a four-figure number like Barry's but more than enough for me and I haven't counted them all - life's too short and I'm too hot!  The spreadsheet will contain an approximation for the more common species, not very scientific but allowances have to be made for octogenarians.  Notable were Cloaked and Sharp-angled Carpets, Beautiful China-mark, Thistle Ermine, Grass Emerald and Beautiful Snout (I've had the last four species before but not very often) and Narrow-winged Pug which is a new record for me.

Beautiful Snout
Grass Emerald
Beautiful China-mark
Narrow-winged Pug


  1. Chris, I rarely count moth totals (as you say, life is too short). Occasionally I count the commonest species for reference. A good estimate is just as valuable as an absolute number imo for assessing relative abundance. For more normal catches it's very easy to remember approximate numbers, so long as it's done shortly after emptying the trap.

  2. Agree, Cloaked and Sharp-angled Carpets are species I rarely encounter in my mostly coastal haunts.

  3. Some moths in your catch that I don't get just over the road. Amazing that you can photograph some in pristine condition. I had a trap full of Dark Arches etc. last night and a good variety of battered moth species, some that I could identify.

    1. Yes, my two traps were relatively quiet when I shut them down at 5am considering how warm it was. I did transfer them into my utility room which was much cooler, but didn't check the contents until 9.30, had a lot of plants to water first! There weren't many in poor condition though.

  4. Thank you all for your responses. Your comments on guesstimating numbers were very reassuring, Barry. It's good that inland trappers, Andy and myself for example, have a few species to ourselves because we miss out on quite a few coastal ones!


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