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Monday 18 July 2022

Llyn Llech Owain

 Last night’s warm conditions resulted in two traps producing records of over 1300 moths of 177 species. Among those of interest were Apotomis semifasciana (Nb), Spruce Bud Moth (Local), Catoptria margaritella (Local), 6 Oak Eggar, Plain Wave (Local), Blue-bordered Carpet, Dark Marbled Carpet, Dingy Shell (Local), Barred Rivulet (Local), Narrow-winged Pug, Triple-spotted Pug (Local), Wormwood (Ling) Pug, Grass Emerald, Large Emerald, Beautiful Snout (Local), Marsh Oblique-barred (Nb), Pinion-streaked Snout (Local), Scarce Burnished Brass (Na), Scarce Bordered Straw, Beautiful Yellow Underwing & Double Line (Nb). The commonest species was True Lover’s Knot with over 300 in the traps. 

Scarce Burnished Brass 

Barred Rivulet 

Spruce Bud Moth 


  1. Fantastic catch Barry. ( Adrian Pembs )

  2. Well done Barry...remember to check the nearby ridge path that leads up to Carmel mast SN 587157 to see if Anania funebris is still there (though now probably too late this season). The food-plant (goldenrod) has much declined on the gritstone ridge over the last 50 years...I remember it as being much more frequent.

  3. I walked it today (not for funebris - as you say bit too late) and saw very little Goldenrod. I did see some nice patches of Cow-wheat however and disturbed what was possibly Lead-coloured Pug, but I could not relocate it frustratingly. Also a good colony of Climbing Corydalis, though I don't know of any moth associations with this without checking? Not something I see very often in this part of the world. Stictoleptura rubra on Hogweed was probably the most interesting invert encountered along this path

    1. I`ve had starwort caterpillars there in the past (about 20 years or so ago) but the few clumps of goldenrod are confined to disturbed edges of the path. The site needs physical disturbance...I`ve raised this issue with NRW and others, but nothing has happened. The funebris was still there about 3 years ago, but I have n`t been back. I also trapped the site in c 2007/08 - Sam will have my records digitally, should you need them...I would have called my site S (or SE) of Garn-big or similar. Another site on the same ridge is Mynydd Llangyndeyrn to the SW- from memory I had good nos of confused there as well as heath rustic etc.

  4. Great result Barry, sorry I couldn't make it this morning

  5. Brilliant result, Barry. I think I'll have to use MV next time. You had lots there I would like to have seen.


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