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Friday 9 December 2016

No migrants, and few moths...

As I`d trapped for the previous two nights, I again left the trap out last night (Thurs 8/12) as it was predicted to be the last night of strong southerlies and perhaps enabling me to have a last-ditch attempt to catch something `good`.
There was not much I`m afraid - an angle shades, one winter moth, an early common quaker, and singles of  feathered thorn, red-green carpet and Epiphyas postvittana. No mottled or scarce umbers at all; neither was a single December moth present. It`s amazing what a couple of nights` difference can make in moth numbers - I had 18 December moths on Tuesday night and Steve Clarke had much more at Cwmllwyd. Even larger numbers were caught elsewhere - for example see the Ceredigion and Somerset moth groups` blog links for some quite astonishing counts of this species.

Above: red-green carpet. At first glance, I thought (hoped!) that I may have caught an autumn green carpet here (which I`ve never had), as the wings are devoid of red hues. But the exact shape of some of the cross-bands suggested that it was just a red-green carpet and examination of the upper hind wings sadly showed that they were greyish, rather than the much whiter wings of autumn green carpet. I`d be very happy to be proved wrong.

Above: common quaker - an unseasonal individual: you`ll catch plenty of these, come late February and March!
I`ve put my traps away now, before tonight`s heavy rain.

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