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Thursday 8 December 2016

What a difference a night makes...

In spite of the promised rain - which certainly came - I left out my MV trap from the previous night.
However, last night (7/12) was not successful with no migrants and much reduced numbers of other species.
Only 5 December moths were in the trap, accompanied by two scarce umbers, which were different individuals from the night before (which are still in my fridge, to be released this morning), a feathered thorn and a different, fresher-looking red-green carpet (the previous night`s individual was very worn). There were no mottled umbers at all!
The rain certainly did `belt down` last night and the wind was noisily `howling` - perhaps a bit too wet and windy for moths. I`ll be leaving the trap out again tonight (as it`s all set up) to try this coming last night of southerlies.

Above: ready for heavy rain - the rigged up shelter above my MV bulb, a pane from a discarded refrigerator, with tow side-by-side plastic vanes from another trap on top. The moth on the `ballast stone` (as seen this morning) is a scarce umber.

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