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Sunday 10 September 2023

A New Kind of Trap is Successful at Maenol

 Self-seeded Nicotiana plants have grown up behind the tomatoes (which are almost over) in my greenhouse and are very scented in the evening, so I left the door open last night and wasn't disappointed when I checked it out this afternoon:

The second record of Convolvulus Hawkmoth at Maenol.

I won't be shutting the greenhouse door in the evening from now on but might have to close it during the day to keep the birds out!


  1. I am very envious Chris! I have grown lots of Nicotiana in the garden again this year but no sign of this moth. I will try the polytunnel method next year!

    1. Thanks Sally, yes the enclosed space of the greenhouse produces an intense fragrance, pity I didn't think to open it up from the beginning of the week because every night was warm and moist, ideal conditions. The moth woke up at about 9pm but sadly refused to feed so I didn't get the photos I had hoped for.

  2. I was lucky enough to have one a couple of nights ago, albeit a bit tatty. A first for me!


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