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Tuesday 12 July 2022

Bumper moth-mix at Llanelli

 In contrast to most of my trapping home trapping sessions so far this year, last night (11/7) brought a great variety of moths, in some numbers, to the two traps (1 MV, the other mains actinic) that were set out in my suburban/woodland edge garden. Micros were diverse and added variety to the catch. It was evident that the hot weather was encouraging moths to disperse from their usual habitats, whether wetland, coast or whatever.

It will be worth trapping over the next week, given the warm night-time temperatures and the potential for `good` migrants.

Highlights included small clouded brindle (wet scrub), blue-bordered carpet (alders), lesser wax moth, Lozotaenoides formosana (pines), Monochroa cytisella (bracken), oak nycteoline (woodland), Argolamprotes micella (raspberry) and Anarsia spartiella (broom/gorse). Habitats etc shown in brackets.

My PC continues to `play-up` (sluggish, almost moribund), so uploading photos is very time-consuming. Consequently, I`ll just offer one (it took about 7 minutes to download!):

                                                      Above: Anarsia spartiella.

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