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Tuesday 12 July 2022

Bancyffordd 11/07

Last night was good although with many moths in the trap some are quite worn and beyond my skill level for ID. I have yet to go through the entire contents but have already reached 70 species. Some of the more interesting things have been 5 Dark Chestnut, my first Old Lady, 3 Slender Brindle and a couple of V Moth of which I think one is an aberrant form?

Old Lady

Slender Brindle

V moth - aberrant form?

 V moth - normal form


  1. Well done re the Old Lady (and the same to Jane too) but the V-moth records are significant, with all the (few) recent records coming from N Carms/Teifi catchment area. Slender Brindle is nice too, and great pics.

  2. Yes it's good to know that the V-moth is out and about, Andy. I think that the different markings in your two can be put down to natural variation, though. I had two in July and August 2015 which showed much the same differences - the images can be retrieved from the search facility at the top of the blog page.

    1. Indeed.
      Variation - I have not caught enough to be able to conclude anything. Haven't come across any other images outside of this area that show similar marking, not an extensive search though.


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