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Friday 24 June 2022

Small Dusty Wave and Agapeta hamana in Burry Port

 I found my trap had been broken into when I visited it around five this morning, the chief suspect being the cat. Nonetheless there were more than 80 individuals of  38 species. Firsts for the year included Dun Bar and Smoky Wainscot. Also present were two much rarer visitors to my garden, the deceptively pug-like Small Dusty Wave and the attractive micro, Agapeta hamana.

Buff Arches, one of my favourite moths, is beginning to make an appearance.


  1. Never seen a small dusty wave - well done!

  2. I think (Sam will know better) that this is my fourth here - I have pictures of three individuals and I have a memory of one making a bolt for it before the shutter clicked.


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