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Friday 24 June 2022

Lunar Hornet Moth

 I was given permission to use a pheromone lure for Lunar Hornet Moth at Gwenffrwd-Dinas where I volunteer on a butterfly transect throughout the season.

I opened the lure at some suitable large Sallows and within a few seconds was buzzed by what I first thought to be an actual hornet- a very disconcerting similarity - but soon realised was a LHM. We saw two briefly, with one staying around the lure.

I got a few action shots of it at the lure and then packed the tube back on ice and retreated to leave the moth in peace.


  1. There are unconfirmed - but reliable - rumours that Jane went around hugging everyone in Rhandirmwyn after her success. You`d better watch out if she finds a Welsh clearwing!


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