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Sunday 29 May 2022

In Charge of the Light Brocade....


Last night`s garden moth trap content was disappointing - just 8 macro-moth species, with two privet hawk-moths being the most `interesting`; perhaps the night was too cool and clear.

This morning I had to make a quick visit to get some shopping and, because the desired list was short, decided to have a quick walk around Old Castle Pond (aka `Pond Twym` locally). I`d left my bag with containers, camera etc in the boot of the car but, fortunately I invariably carry with me a plastic container (sufficient to hold a typically-sized noctuid) and a small plastic bag (for portions of unidentified plants). I was soon glad that I had a container as, in `plain sight`on the upright concrete column of a pedestrian bridge at about 6ft height, was a noctuid. It was a light brocade, a new species for me.

The moth was potted up, taken back to the car, photographed and soon returned to close to where it was found.


  1. Well spotted, Ian, that's a very nice record. Sadly, I will be relying mainly on chance sightings for my records from now on, no longer having the energy or enthusiasm for checking moth traps in the early hours. I'll be keeping in touch with the blog to see what others are doing, though.

    1. Thanks Chris - your appreciated efforts over the years really have put Maenol `on the moth map`. I can understand the diminishing energy side of things - I have n`t gone out to set my traps away from home for ages. I get tired by evening time (a lousy `owl`), though I remain a keen `lark`!


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