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Saturday, 9 May 2020

Llansteffan moths

I haven't posted in such a long time, but then I am having trouble with this site. So if this works then "I'm back".
Last night's trapping, I thought the trap would have more moths than it did, but I did have 30+ pesky May Beetle. Maybe that put the moths off!!!
My best so far, as I love Hawk-moths. It`s a Lime Hawk-moth and I don't think I have had one here before, though I caught one last year for the first time - but not at Llansteffan.

Male & female Pale Tussock, she was quite a bit bigger, girl power and all that.
All for now, as some of my posts have gone to the ether never to be seen, more if this works.


  1. Welcome back to blogging`s a long wait until the end of the year to find out what you`ve caught, so blog updates will be brilliant.

  2. Very well done Mel and great to see that you're back.....welcome home!

  3. Lovely Lime Hawkmoth, Mel, sadly never seen one on my patch. Plenty of Pale Tussocks though!


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