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Saturday 3 November 2018

Warm winds but no migrants

I was hoping last night (2/11) for a bit of `moth luck` in the form of a white-speck but none were to be seen in the garden traps this morning. The winds last night had been consistently warm and southerly - indeed blustery at times - but there was not a single migrant in my two traps.
However, a decent mix of late autumn moths were present including a satellite (photo below) and several red-green carpets; there were all-green forms of the latter but, unfortunately, none were autumn green carpets.



  1. I also trapped last night, but a little less productively than you, Ian. I found a rather nicely marked November Moth (ag.) outside the trap, while this morning's haul amounted to a single December Moth. A veritable calendar of moths, you could say! But at least the Dec Moth was a first for the year up here!

  2. I left the porch lights on until 10pm, by which time 2 each of Epirrita sp., R-LQ and GBC had assembled, but in accordance with our local forecast it had started to rain and the wind had strengthened so no traps went out. My calendar is behind yours, Steve, no December Moth has arrived yet.

  3. No rain at all here last night but it looks as if it`s on the way this afternoon. My total tally of moths was 13 species.
    I read that a moth recorder exactly opposite me on NW Gower had a dotted chestnut...another moth that I`ve never seen.

  4. I had 50 moths for 14 species, including the first December Moth of the season and a Northern Winter Moth, a first for me. Also a late LYU and a Dark Arches. Oh, yes, and 27 Spruce Carpets!!!

    1. Jane, regarding Northern Winter Moth, see Sam's Carms Moth List. NWM is given a 'B' rating which means that it requires photographic evidence if it hasn't been recorded at your site before. That apart, your LYU and Dark Arches are very late records indeed, reinforcing the idea that it's been an extraordinary year in this respect.

  5. Glad that someone else `scored` well Jane. I actually had 15 species in the end as I forgot to include a chestnut and the satellite (!) in my final count.
    The winds are remaining S or SE so I`ll probably trap on Monday night as there are still good migrants turning up elsewhere.


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