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Thursday 27 September 2018

Bancyffordd 26/09

Turned out to be quite mild last night. The sun set, the bats came out and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars were all showing well, low in the southern sky. The moths were a bit thin on the ground but it was nice to be trapping again. 13 species with the pick being 4 off Brown-spot Pinion, I was surprised to see that this moth is not so frequent in this part of the UK.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that BsP is around, Andy. As you say, they're not common in Carms. I've had a handful of sightings, the first in 2011 (1 October) which Jon Baker thought was the first confirmed county record. I'm not sure about this, though, because there have been quite a few since then. I'll be putting traps out as often as possible in the hope of getting one, had to wait until mid-October last year though.


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