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Thursday 27 October 2016


Decided to trap last night as although the sky was going to be clear later, it seemed fairly overcast early on so worth setting up again.
At 10 there was another Red Sword grass, (1st was still in the fridge), also a December moth buzzing around my head which I caught.
This morning I found a Sprawler, plus another November moth and various other bits and bobs.
Trapping in a different part of of the village tonight.


  1. Brilliant! If I can so, `I told you so` ie that you had perhaps the best chance of getting a sprawler, given the old Dafydd Davies and RSPB Gwenffrwd records from your area. A top-rate record, Jane and I`m quite jealous too! I`ve never seen one but I suspect (though would love to be wrong) that this moth is absent from my part of SE Carms.
    A well-deserved prize in your first year of moth recording.

  2. To say I'm jealous of the sprawler would be a bit of an understatement! Well done!

  3. A real cracker - well done Jane! The relatively regular past Rhandirmwyn records are fascinating, especially as there were no records in some years. At Dingestow I saw 2 last year, after nearly 15 years since my previous one. It looks as though this species can be very elusive and trap-shy even where it occurs.


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