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Thursday 13 October 2016

And nine is better than one!

Yesterday evening just after the sun had set it was overcast and relatively mild here, so expectations were high when I put two actinic traps out.  Sadly, when I checked the trap sites at 10.30pm the skies had cleared and the temperature had dropped, so predictably the catch was poor - but better than on Monday night!  The tally consisted of Red- and Yellow-line Quakers, Lunar Underwing, Spruce Carpet (one of each), two Green Brindled Crescents and three Epirrita sp., the first of the season for me.

Perhaps it's about time that I took a closer look at some of these 'November Moth' individuals to establish what species I'm getting here.

1 comment:

  1. Good show Chris. I too looked out in the early evening and thought `should I trap` as it looked cloudy and was calm but, as I was really tired, did n`t bother. Good idea re carefully checking the `November moths` gang.


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