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Monday, 19 May 2014

`In for a penny, in for a pound`

As you will have read previously, I intend to take up the `wait with the trap` method this year (as well as leaving my traps out overnight), and last night was my first use of this method for many years. It will allow me to trap at localities where it would be unwise to leave traps unattended.
Firstly though, I`d already placed out two mains actinics - one at Tyrwaun, Pwll and the other at my late parents` garden on the western outskirts of Llanelli. I also left a  mobile actinic at a rhos-scrub site east of Cencoed-uchaf (NW of Llanelli).
The `wait and see` experiment was carried out on the North Dock Dunes LNR in south Llanelli - a small area of sand dunes and adjacent saltmarsh, and the trapping commenced at 10.00pm. I have to say that I enjoyed it - it was a strange experience to see the excessively-illuminated North Dock area reflected in the high tide of the old dock channel. Conditions in the early part of the night were not ideal, as sufficient cloud was only starting to form at about 11.30pm and I left at just before midnight, knowing that I`d have to be up very early (at 4.30am) for the other traps....and I also wanted to re-locate the mobile actinic I`d been using at the North Dock to a fifth locality - an old Pennant Sandstone quarry at Furnace, where it too was then left overnight. In total, five sites were trapped.
At the experimental North Dock dunes site, only about ten species were caught, with lime-speck pug being a FFY for me (this species is quite common along the coast). Also FFY setaceous hebrew character and marbled minor agg. One moth, when inspected the next day (ie this morning), completely puzzled me - it was a grey-looking rustic shoulder-knot; luckily both George and Barry responded very quickly to my plea for i/d help - thanks both. The strange thing is that I had this species at my home trap a week or so ago - when it did n`t fool me - that`s moths (and tiredness) for you! I`ll be returning to this site at North Dock, which has potential.

                                         Above: a rather grey rustic shoulder-knot.

At my other my late parents` garden is a mature aspen (that I planted in 1973...`plant a tree in `73`!), and a perhaps not unexpected surprise in the trap set below this tree was a second seraphim for me. Also present was a FFY green arches.

                                         Above: my second seraphim in a few days (and at a new site).

                                         Above: a rather resplendent green arches.

Tyrwaun, Pwll had a FFY lesser swallow prominent amongst a good number of moths, whilst the re-positioned trap at Furnace Quarry also had quite respectable numbers and variety, including a mullein and bee-moth Aphomia sociella.

                           Above: another dapper moth - lesser swallow prominent at Tyrwaun.

                                         Above: mullein moth at Furnace Quarry.

                                 Above: Bee moth Aphomia sociella, again at Furnace Quarry.

The Cencoed-uchaf rhos/birch scrub site yielded 6 grey birches and 4 square spots, as well as a barred umber.

                                      Above: grey birch, one of the six caught at Cencoed-uchaf.

                                         Above: square spot, Cencoed-uchaf.


  1. well done, Ian - a great multi-trap session there

  2. Yes that's very impressive Ian - it makes me tired just hearing about it!

  3. Thanks both - I`ll pay you later! Spent most of yesterday in `full zombie mode`!
    Hope to trap tonight, but only at home as it`s forecast to clear in the early morning hours.


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