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Sunday, 18 May 2014


I trapped on Friday night and caught 19 species including FFY scorched wing, peppered moth, barred umber and marbled brown.  Best of the bunch was a broad-barred white which is a new one for me here.

I set the trap in the yard and several moths including these small phoenix had settled on the silver paintwork of the car. Perhaps a white car would do even better. Something to bear in mind next time you're down the car showroom...


The local robin, which can be a nuisance sometimes, obviously hadn't spotted them  - but this poplar hawkmoth obviously wasn't taking any chances sitting around on top of the car. Clever chap.

Don't worry, I did rescue it


  1. I was wondering if you`d trapped Mat. Glad to see that you had broad-barred white as new to the home trap - I had also a couple at Tyrwaun on Friday night.
    Sorry to nag, but if you get a (daytime) chance please do have a look for Anania funebris along the Garn-big (Carmel) mast`s a really cracker to see, but quite small (you get an impression of something white flying amongst the food-plant (goldenrod) or nearby vegetation. Look out for brightly-coloured starwort caterpillars on goldenrod too.

  2. Thanks Mat for checking....I was going to have a look this pm (Mon) but weather and tiredness intervenes...


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