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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Pembrey Forest...again

Nine days after my last visit to Pembrey things seem to have moved on quite a bit. Dingy Skipper is now out in good numbers, with around 40 seen during the day's surveys. Also smaller numbers of Grizzled Skipper (c. 10) and Small Blue (c. 15).
Small Blue
Plenty of micro-moths around, including Opsibotys fuscalis in good numbers, and a few Grapholita jungiella.

Grapholita jungiella
 The only macro-moths seen were Cinnabar, Silver Y, Grass Rivulet and this pair of Ruby Tigers.
Ruby Tigers in cop.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Micropterix etc

Micropterix calthella is on the wing (has been for a week or so, I guess).  Look for metallic micros in buttercup flowers, munching on pollen.  I'd guess that M aruncella, usually in drier places and with a silver band across the wing of males, should be around as well but I haven't seen any yet, neither have I seen any Glyphipterix simpliciella (Cocksfoot Moth) yet.  All rather late, as expected.

On the theme of rather grotty micros: 1 Psychoides filicivora (a common little metallic job with a pale spot, which feeds on fern spores) was resting on a window here a couple of days ago, and 1 Monopis weaverella (a detritus feeder) was fluttering around at dusk yesterday evening.

There should be plenty of micros on the wing by day if you've got time to look.  Wish I did!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Pembrey Forest, 21st May

Very few skippers on the wing at Pembrey Forest yesterday, just 3 Grizzled and 1 Dingy seen all day - hopefully they're just late and not having a dreadful year. Also a single Green Hairstreak.

Quite a few micro-moths on the wing though, including Opsibotys fuscalis, Crambus lathoniellus, Glyphipterix fuscoviridella and Adela reaumurella. Also plenty of larval cases and 'feeding windows' of Coleophora serratella on Birch.
Grizzled Skipper
Coleophora serratella larval case

George Tordoff (Butterfly Conservation Wales)

A Bumper Catch!

Well, not really....only a bumper catch of cockchafers - 17 in total. The moth numbers were dire. Looking at the forecast, as well as the cloudy skies, I thought it was worth trying to trap last night (Tues 21st May), so out went the MV and I went to bed. At 4.00am, I got up and went to check the trap which I position on a flat roof extension, requiring me to climb a ladder to check it. I did the latter, climbing up in my pyjamas (at least there some nutters left, if no moths!).
There were NO moths flying around, which is what you`d expect and, glancing at the trap, there were very few moths within or around the back to bed.
At c 6.00am, I got up to check the trap properly - just 6 species: hebrew character (2), brimstone (also 2), a late small quaker (1), a nut tree tussock (1), a least black arches (1) and a `green-type carpet` that escaped.
Incredibly poor for late May....but I`m still having bee flies Bombylius major in my garden - normally a March-April species. Our climate is becoming more `northern`...less sun and more wind and rain - not good for leps. On the plus side, saw my first holly blue on Monday, at Burry Port.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


I haven't posted for a few weeks because it seems that every time I put out the trap I catch fewer moths than the time before.  I generally trap on a Friday, that being GMS night, so conditions are not always the best of the week but even so the last three weekends have seen steadily falling temperature (8C, 6C, 5C) accompanied by fewer and fewer moths! (10 species, then 5, then 3...).  Determined to buck this trend I picked last night, with its overcast skies, light wind and 10C minimum, as a promising one for an extra bit of trapping.  Numbers rose to a staggering 7 (seven) species.... Seriously poor I would suggest.  First for the year scalloped hazel and pale tussock and to end on a positive note my first puss moth in 6 years trapping here at Carmel.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

A Brimstone

The indifferent weather continues! Just a sighting of a female brimstone butterfly in my garden at Tyrwaun, Pwll this afternoon to report.

Where have all the moth-ers gone?

No new posts for 10 days so it seems that everyone is struggling to find a moth.  I caught one moth in the actinic trap last night - a Hebrew Character, no less!  The worry is that, if the weather has decimated populations of early season species, they may struggle to recover.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Early May Moths

Brindled Beauties and Hebrew Characters abound, Shoulder Stripes on the decline.  Water Carpet, Small Phoenix, Red Chestnut, Lunar Marbled Brown, Chinese Character and Purple Thorn have made an appearance.  Also a Scalloped Hazel emerged from a pupa which I found amongst wood chippings a few weeks ago.  No micros until this morning when I found what I think is Agonopterix arenella in the trap (see photo).  If I'm wrong perhaps someone will please put me right!

Monday, 6 May 2013

another night another White-marked

Another White-marked was waiting for me below the porch light this morning, but it was otherwise pretty dull with 8 spp of macro.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Moths at Troserch

30 odd moths last night but only a handful of species - nothing to write home about. Have seen a couple of brimstone and peacock butterflies in Troserch Woods in the last few days.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


Clare has just called down that there's a spectacular huge moth in the bathroom.  This is what it was!

a few spring moths

Night of 1st May
I was a bit less lazy this morning and checked the outside light at sunrise.  14 spp of macro were the reward, including Streamer and Frosted Green.  The species composition is basically the same as in late March/early April in a typical year.  Lovely to have a few moths at last!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


I should have got up earlier to check the outside light, as there wasn't much left because of the sun hitting it. 

However, late morning I noticed a White-marked resting on the path below the light.  Also on the light were 3 Brindled Beauty & single Hebrew Character, Common Quaker & Shoulder-stripe.

I'll try not to be so lazy tonight!