Well, not really....only a bumper catch of cockchafers - 17 in total. The moth numbers were dire. Looking at the forecast, as well as the cloudy skies, I thought it was worth trying to trap last night (Tues 21st May), so out went the MV and I went to bed. At 4.00am, I got up and went to check the trap which I position on a flat roof extension, requiring me to climb a ladder to check it. I did the latter, climbing up in my pyjamas (at least there some nutters left, if no moths!).
There were NO moths flying around, which is what you`d expect and, glancing at the trap, there were very few moths within or around the trap...so back to bed.
At c 6.00am, I got up to check the trap properly - just 6 species: hebrew character (2), brimstone (also 2), a late small quaker (1), a nut tree tussock (1), a least black arches (1) and a `green-type carpet` that escaped.
Incredibly poor for late May....but I`m still having bee flies
Bombylius major in my garden - normally a March-April species. Our climate is becoming more `northern`...less sun and more wind and rain - not good for leps. On the plus side, saw my first holly blue on Monday, at Burry Port.