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Tuesday, 21 May 2013


I haven't posted for a few weeks because it seems that every time I put out the trap I catch fewer moths than the time before.  I generally trap on a Friday, that being GMS night, so conditions are not always the best of the week but even so the last three weekends have seen steadily falling temperature (8C, 6C, 5C) accompanied by fewer and fewer moths! (10 species, then 5, then 3...).  Determined to buck this trend I picked last night, with its overcast skies, light wind and 10C minimum, as a promising one for an extra bit of trapping.  Numbers rose to a staggering 7 (seven) species.... Seriously poor I would suggest.  First for the year scalloped hazel and pale tussock and to end on a positive note my first puss moth in 6 years trapping here at Carmel.

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