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Wednesday 6 September 2023

Some old moth friends return

 While moth numbers have been reasonable, diversity has been relatively low, with around 20 species in and near to the trap, and the overall numbers being boosted by a few numerous species, such as Large Yellow Underwing and Square Spot Rustic. This morning I found the year's biggest trap with over 150 individuals and 32 species. One of the species boosting numbers last night was Willow Beauty with nearly 30 inside and outside the trap, many in pristine condition. Otherwise the macros were as expected, although L-Album Wainscot is very occasional in the garden.

The micros, although not as numerous, were more interesting, including Rusty Dot Pearl for the year...

... and Horse chestnut Leaf-miner.

A miniscule moth, but beautifully marked. Finally I believe the somewhat drab moth below is Pyrausta despicata.

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