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Friday 8 September 2023

Seeing double

Two Clifden Nonpareils in this morning's trap means I have now caught this stunning moth three years on the trot. This must mean the species is now established locally and not a migrant. Six Vestals were a nice added bonus.


  1. This is outrageous, I'm flabberghasted, take it down before Ian finds out!

  2. Indeed Adam, totally out of order! The rest of us are having to put up with Flounced Rustics and Snouts. So unfair…..

  3. Very impressive indeed, it's almost persuaded me to get my (conventional) traps in operation again!

  4. In case folk are interested when I trap at home I tend to run two traps, an MV Robinson and a 20 w actinic Heath (in the porch). All of the CNPs have been trapped in the Heath. PS I quite like a Snout :)


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