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Thursday 27 October 2022

More migrants last night

 Five species of migrant in the garden trap last night (Weds 26/10) - silver ys, rush veneer, vestal, scarce bordered straw and Palpita vitrealis. Approximately 20 moth species in total, including local resident species.

Above: two of the migrant moths - Palpita and scarce bordered straw. I`d placed the vestal alongside these two, but it would n`t `play ball` and flew off. I last saw it disappearing behind the washing machine, perhaps never to return from that spider-rich area.

PS - Arfon also did well in N. Carms., with three scarce bordered straws and a Clifden nonpareil. Also a very interesting inland l-album wainscot (normally coastal) - was it a wanderer from the S. Carms. coast or from coastal Ceredigion? Elsewhere, Sam had a vestal at Cnwc, Brechfa.

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