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Sunday 10 July 2022

A couple of records....

I was lucky the other night (8/7) to attract two Grapholita lobarzewskii (aka `smaller fruit tortrix`) to the appropriate `SKI` pheromone lure left out overnight under apple trees in my garden. It was new to Carmarthenshire.

A few days ago, I visited a surviving brownfield site next to a ship repair/storage yard near to the centre of Burry Port and, checking seed capsules of bladder campion, saw that a few showed signs of occupation. In one I found a large and presumably mature caterpillar of a tawny shears. I`ll add some additional photos when I get a chance, but my PC is acting too sluggishly to attempt it at present.

Chrysoethia sexguttella mines were evident at Llangennech saltmarsh on Atriplex while Pachyrhabda steropodes is now turning up at sites around Llanelli where it was certainly absent only a couple of years ago - I`ve been finding the distinctive silken larval tubes under soft shield-fern fronds.

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