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Wednesday 25 May 2022

Back in action...

 I have not trapped for a while, given the poor catches (small numbers and mediocre diversity) and I entirely missed the striped hawk-moth invasion as, among other factors, I did not have access to the internet for about a week. I did manage to trap at the tail end of last weekend (when, apparently, striped h-ms were still about), but no luck. However, there are some interesting micros to report - one from last Sunday`s trap and another from daytime searching. Before moving onto those, I`d also like to report a single Tachystola acroxantha that alighted on my kitchen window approaching two weeks ago and was good enough to remain still to allow `potting up` (it was less well behaved at `photo time`!).

Above: Tachystola - a slightly blurred photo of an escaping moth! Known from St Clears (once) and also recorded on many occasions (in good numbers) at Burry Port by Adam Dare; an alien Australasian species.

The interesting micro that I did light trap was Monopis crocicapitella (on 22/5), the 3rd county record (the last being in 1984 according to Sam`s 2016 listing). An attractive Telioides luculella was also of slight interest - though I`ve had it before at my home site and elsewhere.

Above: Monopis crocicapitella (`playing possum` after a spell in the fridge - it`s still alive and well there, awaiting a better photo). Below: Telioides luculella.

Daytime searching yesterday (24/5) produced various `bread and butter` records at the biodiverse ex-colliery site at Cynheidre, just N of Llanelli. It also yielded a larval case of Coleophora binderella (a 2nd vcr) - on grey alder.

Oak scrub at the edges of the woodland clearings had many workings of the pyralid Acrobasis consociella - something for others to look out for elsewhere.

I`ll possibly update this individual post with some other records as they are `processed`).

1 comment:

  1. I'll be keeping a close eye on my T.acroxantha in future!


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