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Saturday 30 April 2022

Micro moths from Bancyffordd 30/04

I have not posted anything for some time. Photographing this little trio tried my patience in the light breeze. All three came from the longish grass under a row of Laburnum in the garden. I thought I would share the shots but realise that it is about time for me to start looking out for some leaf mines to confirm.

Starting with the smallest (about 2-3mm long) and probably the smallest moth I have ever seen. I had wondered Enteucha acetosae so prompts me in the direction of needing to check the sorrel plants? 

This one never actually moved so probably not a day flier. About 8mm long, is it Elachista argentella?

The row of Laburnum is around 70m long and these little white things were all over the place and about 5mm long. They were most probably Laburnum Leaf Minor. I have found mines in previous years.


  1. Nice to hear from you Andy, your posts having been absent for a while I thought that you might have moved on. Leaf mines apart, have you any plans to continue with moth trapping in the future?

  2. Hi Chris - I've not completely disappeared, just been busy. Currently running my MV in the garden every couple of weeks and hope to try a couple of sites in Ceredigion over the summer.

  3. The argentella looks good to me.

    Enteucha is pretty rare and seems to be mainly coastal. More likely it will be a Stigmella species, perhaps aurella.


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