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Tuesday 1 March 2022

Lots - and lots - of Luffia

 I visited the Pembrey-Burry Port area this morning, to check the breakwaters and walls made out of copper slag, the purpose of which was to see if Luffia was present. It was, in some quantity, associated with copper slag walls or breakwaters, which were deliberately targeted.

1. The first sub-site looked at was the breakwater of the Old Pembrey Harbour SN 436000, with the easier-to-access eastern site being examined. It was present all along this breakwater. I did not check the west-facing side, but I`d be surprised if it was not present there.

Above: The sort of view of the copper slag, viewed from about a foot away. See if you can spot two Luffia (click on pic to enlarge).
   Above: Sometimes the background colour of the slag aids detection - here three are present.
                      Above: This lump of particularly rich copper slag is malachite green.
                                   Above: A view of Site 1 (Pembrey Old Harbour breakwater)

2. The western side of Burry Port Harbour breakwater SN 444000 was looked at and Luffia was found. Here, as with subsequent sites its presence was merely noted (rather than attempting to check numbers and extent).

3. The next place checked was the old scouring basin for Burry Port Harbour at SN 442005. It was found. 

4. Then, after parking on the eastern side of Burry Port Harbour, I walked a couple of steps and instantly found Luffia on the old perimeter wall of the copperworks site (SN446003, this site subsequently had other industrial uses).

5. Lastly, Luffia was also noted at the northern edge of Burry Port Harbour basin at SN 446004.

There are other localities nearby with slag walls where Luffia probably occurs. I also checked some lichen-covered trees at Llanerch, Llanelli but did not find Luffia.

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