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Tuesday, 7 July 2020

New garden micros.

A thin trap last night turned up a couple of micros I hadn't seen before.

The first is a very small Tortrix - I think it's Gypsomona dealbana - any ideas?
I also found a colourful Pyralid.

I believe this is Acrobasis advenella - look at the head colour!


  1. I had dealbana two years ago Adam, the wing apex had an orange-brown patch and the black mark mid-wing was a very prominent streak, but these features are probably quite variable and you may well be on the right track.

    1. P.S. if you put Gypsonoma (not ..mona!) dealbana in the search facility my blog from 2018 comes up, there's a photo of my moth.

  2. Oops, fat fingers. I googled it and noticed dealbana was quite variable, I do find the small tortrixes quite difficult.

  3. Gypsonoma dealbana and G. sociana can be difficult to differentiate - one (sociana) has a white face and the other (dealbana) a cream/`dirty grey-white`face. Your moth is a tad worn but it does seem to have the basal patch angled as in dealbana. I had dealbana at Ffrwd last week.
    A good i/d book for such moths is: Bird Dropping Tortrix Moths of the British Isles by Jon Clifton & Jim Wheeler.

  4. Thank you Ian, sounds like a suitable present for myself.


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