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Thursday, 23 July 2020

Moths in Llansteffan last night

A fairly small catch last night after a bright and largely clear night.  I had a Small Dusty Footman which was a first for me. Photos of an unusually coloured  Engrailed and moths I have tentatively identified as Double Lobed and White Speck


  1. I think the middle moth is a lesser/common rustic. Did you get a look at the abdomen of the lower species? I get regular Clay in Burry Port which has a black line on its abdomen and otherwise looks very similar to White Speck.

  2. I agree with Adam about the Common Rustic agg., and the bottom image looks like Clay, which I'm getting regularly here, more likely than White Speck I think. Very unusual Engrailed as you say, Dai, I've never seen one like that. As for the Small Dusty Footman, that's new on me, do you mean Small Dusty Wave? Adam had one recently I think, a good record if so, it would have been nice to see a photo of it.

  3. Thanks Adam and Chris
    I haven't had Clay for several years and forgot to check the abdomen-prominent black chevron! . The rustics are so variable so I'll amend my records there as well. As for Small dusty footman a brain fade from getting up too early! - It was a probable Small Dusty Wave, but flew off as I tried to photograph it. I also had a couple of satin Waves for comparison.


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