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Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Village Party

At the week end, I took a rearing cage containing 13 or 14 species to our  Annual Village Party.
Children and adults alike were fascinated by the Elephants and Poplars, loved the Scarce Silver lines and the tiny Bird Cherry Ermine, but the stars of the show were the Buff tips. I'd found a small piece of wood that was the same size as the moth and played Spot the Moff. Endless requests to hold a moth and I found the best way was to put it on the back of a hand so eager fingers couldn't squash.
Everything was released at dusk and waved away. Very successful and I will try to repeat at the Village Show.


  1. Excellent! What a worthwhile idea. Very well done indeed.

  2. Great idea, pity my laptop won't load the picture! :-(

  3. My PC is also devoid of the picture.

  4. Tried to copy and paste it to the blog on iPad, instead of going through the main computer, will try again! Sorry

  5. Hope thats better, albeit with a big gap that I cant get rid of.

  6. That's fine now, thank you Jane.


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