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Thursday 11 October 2018

One More Migrant

I can add one to Ian's of last night, a Vestal turned up at my actinic trap, along with a Dark Swordgrass and several Silver Ys. 

I also spotted a (July) Belle nearby.  On close inspection I've concluded that it could be the same one that came to the MV trap yesterday, even though I'd released it in the polytunnel a few hours earlier and hadn't expected it to escape quite so quickly!

I believe that the Tortrix is Pandemis Cinnamomeana on account of its white head.

Green Brindled Crescents and Black Rustics are the most abundant species here just now, closely followed by Epirrita spp., and Spruce and Pine Carpets.


  1. Good one Chris re your vestal - glad that one of the regulars had a noteworthy migrant.
    I too tried yesterday to find info re 2nd brood July belles online, but found nothing. I wonder if this species has a 2nd brood on the Continent, making yours a migrant? I don`t know.

  2. It's a possibility, Ian, but I don't know how to find out about the continental population. However, my moth is small for either Belle species (f/w 14mm) which might be consistent with a 2nd generation moth.


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