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Tuesday 16 October 2018

Monday Night at Maenol

MV and Actinic traps were used last night and the returns were modest considering the favourable conditions.  59 moths of 22 species turned up, the highlights being second generation Brussels lace, Satellite, FFY Mottled Umber, and a Tortrix which I believe to be Acleris sparsana:

                      Satellite                                     Brussels Lace

                Mottled Umber                               Acleris sparsana

The other species recorded were, in frequency order:  Green-brindled Crescent 10; November Moth agg. 9; Yellow-line Quaker 7; Spruce Carpet 5; Red-line Quaker 4; Feathered Thorn 3; 2 each of Red-green Carpet, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Merveille du Jour, Brown-spot Pinion, Silver Y; singles of Common Marbled Carpet, Black Rustic, Brindled Green, Chestnut, Angle Shades and Pale Mottled Willow.  One Agonopterix sp. (probably A.heracliana, to be confirmed) appeared later (escapee).

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