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Friday 5 October 2018

...and more autumn delights about a mile east of Burry Port...

There was also a fair selection of moths (25+ species) in my two garden traps at Pwll last night (4/10) with most of the usual `autumn gang` present (the main exception being Merveille de jour, which Adam caught). Instead of shore wainscot I had l-album wainscots galore - in fact, a bumper catch of 11 individuals, the most (I think) that I have caught in one trapping session.
Of the other autumn moths there were black rustics in some quantity, large wainscots, Blair`s shoulder-knots, large ranunculus, beaded chestnuts, flounced chestnuts, green-brindled crescents, red-line quaker, pine carpets etc.
My sole migrant was a dark sword-grass - and nothing to compare to Paul Parson`s wonderful find in Glamorgan (see the Glamorgan moth blog-site).

Above : a rather blurry shot (some are out-of-focus or about to take-off) of some of last night`s noctuids. I did n`t manage to get all the desired species into the photo before one or two disturbed the rest and they all dispersed. In the past I have - more wisely - cooled the moths down in the fridge before attempting this stunt. This morning they were `straight from the trap`.

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