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Monday 13 August 2018

A bit drier last night!

And, importantly, the strong wind blowing on Saturday night had died down, so I put the small actinic trap out - recently refurbished courtesy of Paul Batty, who provided me with a new control box and connectors, the old workings having died of old age.

Accompanying the abundant LYUs and Flame Shoulders were Scalloped Hook-tip, only my second record of this species, and Lesser Wax Moth which I've not seen before:

Other notable arrivals were Yellow-barred Brindle, Lychnis, and this distinctive tortrix:

The reddish-brown dorsal 'saddle' suggests that this is Epinotia nisella, a common enough moth but another new one for me.

Yesterday afternoon, after the rain had given way to the more familiar sunshine, as if to celebrate the change a Hummer turned up on a Buddleia just outside the lounge window, so I was able to admire it without missing the final stages of the Test Match.


  1. Scalloped Hook-tip and E.nisella have turned up over here this month.
    Day 5 tickets for the next three tests might be a bit slow to sell.

    1. These moths do seem to visit you first, perhaps it's because you're higher up.
      Scorchio weather, dry pitches for the rest of the summer and who knows, the Indians might come good.


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