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Sunday, 1 July 2018

Moths at Saron

I have been trapping every week and up until last week nothing of particular note but last night I had 59 macro and 9 micro species.

This Burnished Brass was an interesting colour.

I too have had the Waved Carpet and there were three last night.

I think this is a Double-striped Pug and, if so, this is a first for me here.

This one I am struggling to identidf so can someone please advise? Thanks.

I have not had this colouration before for this Bee Moth.


  1. Looks like double stipe pug, they have appeared in my trap at Bancyfforth in the last few nights.
    The dark moth looks to me like a mottled beauty.
    Some of the bee moths have quite a pink flush that shows up nicely against the sage green when fresh.

  2. Thanks Andy, info much appreciated. I did think it was a drak form of Mottled Beauty so great to get a second opinion!

  3. That dark one is a Satin Beauty - it doesn't have the angled line outside midwing that characterises Mottled Beauty. Satin Beauty is often very dark, and the relatively closed-winged resting posture is also typical.

  4. Hoping that I haven't overlooked this one in my own trap. I take note of the wing posture.

  5. Thanks Sam, much appreciated. Looking now at Manley's British Moths the photo of the Satin Beauty is very similar to the one I had so not sure how I missed this as I do check all the ID books I have. My apologies.

  6. Glad to see you back in action, Sally. Satin Beauty is a nice catch, I've never had one here.


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