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Sunday, 8 July 2018

Bancyffordd 8/7

I tried my 6W actinic last night. Far fewer moths as expected. The bias was strongly in favour of geometers rather than noctuids. 43 macros and 10 micros with one remaining that is most likely going to go unidentified. I consider this to be a well above average catch. I didn't catch any first brood Red Twin-spot Carpet nor Early Thorn so these along with Magpie have been added to my list. The first Blue-bordered Carpet, a species that I don't frequently encounter is photographed below.


  1. You've inspired me to give the small actinic another go in the garden, Andy, as traps go it's not the best but it does punch above its weight. Yes, it's time for Magpie, first one last year was 14 July, Blue-bordered C on 19th (only my 2nd record, not a common moth). Two Early Thorns in my 15W actinic on Saturday night.

  2. Thanks for the frequent feedback. I really appreciate it as I don't have much idea of species distribution in this part of the U.K. other than checking the excel sheet from Sam B. Added to this I expect populations to have changed somewhat since I was an active moth person.
    It's all very interesting, learning and re-learning all that has been forgotten!


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