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Tuesday 8 May 2018


May 4th at 23.00 hrs saw me yelling at my husband, tucked up in bed, Come down , look what's in the trap!  A wonderful female Emperor, a first here, although I have seen them further up the valley.
Next morning there were nearly a hundred moths of 17 species, including 2FFYs, Flame Shoulder and a Vpug.  Among the rest were uncountable numbers of Brindled and Double striped Pug, Great Prominents, 6 Lesser Swallow Prominents and a fresh Purple Thorn. One of the Lesser SP, flew to a nearby beech and clung to a bud, the master of disguise.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the Emperor Jane, what a nice surprise, certainly justified disturbing your husband's sleep! I've only had the moth once here, a few years ago, in spite of being fairly close to Mynydd Llanllwni which must be a good site for them.


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