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Wednesday, 23 August 2017


Last night (Tuesday), the MV trap at Cwmllwyd attracted 270 moths of 56 species, with 72 Flame Shoulders the most abundant. Among a plethora (!) of Yellow Underwings (Large and Lesser Broad-bordered) there was a single of the Lesser variety and this rather fine (albeit a bit battered) Broad Bordered Y U:

A singleton Blue-bordered Carpet was trapped, along with this uncommon visitor - a Striped Twin-spot Carpet:

Four Dark Sword-grass moths supplemented two caught here three days ago:

I was surprised to find as many as nine Ear Moths (agg.) in the trap, as well as seven Sharp-angled Peacocks.

Moth of the night for me and last seen here in 2014 was this Northern Rustic:

The underside of the wing displays the diagnostic dark band which is often present.:

There were good numbers of micros (many still to be identified). This is Ypsolopha sequella:

Its cousins Y. parenthesella and Y. dentella (the Honeysuckle Moth) were also found.


  1. Your catch was much more interesting than mine Steve. If I'd seen your blog first I might not have bothered, but they must have crossed in the post!

  2. Confession time: I failed to examine my 72 Flame Shoulders to check for Radford's FS, but I'm sure that you will have done with yours!

    1. Of course Steve, every single one of them! And all of the 30-odd Small Square Spots were checked for the small black dot near the oval and the solid third cross-line. The lack of Square-spot Rustics so far this year is worrying me, especially since some of the SSSs are larger than expected.


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