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Wednesday 16 August 2017

Grub for a grub...

I`m attempting to rear to adulthood some caterpillars of Pexicopa malvella that I collected recently on the saltmarsh at Llangennech (see `Saltmarsh Searching`, Thurs 10th Aug), but for the last couple of days about three of them have been wandering. I was advised by Steve Palmer (who runs the gelechiid recording scheme) that this may be a sign of hunger and that the colloquial `grub` may want some grub (if I may use a `slang` term for food).
So, yesterday evening (Tues 15/8), I returned to Llangennech to collects some fresh seed heads of marsh-mallow. As we all know, the recent weather has not been exactly great for mothing activities, at whatever time of day (or night) and the trip to the saltmarsh yielded little (though I collected the required seed heads) except for some more Eucosma tripoliana in a stand of sea aster.

          Above: the Eucosma tripoliana were netted in the vegetation just to the right of the creek.

                                       Above: an Eucosma tripoliana caught at Llangennech.

I also netted a Phycitodes, which may be either binaevella or maritima (see below):

Above: (top) the `Pexicopa accomodation` with seed-head sustenance and (below) a supply of marsh mallows.

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