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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

A Right Royal Occasion on Monday Might

It must have been, there were so many Footmen around.  I clocked a total of 31 Dingy, 5 Rosy and 2 Buff.  They were needed, too, in order to cater for the large population of moths - not quite as many as Steve's impressive total, but 310 individuals of 76 species is a remarkable turn-out at Maenol.  The most notable for me was the first record of Clay Triple-lines:

FFYs included Iron Prominent, Dun-bar, True Lover's Knot, Antler Moth, Red Twin-spot Carpet, and Magpie Moth:

           True Lover's Knot                                  Iron Prominent

and amongst the micros, Carcina quercana, Agonopterix nervosa and Pyrausta purpuralis:

          Agonopterix nervosa                            Carcina quercana

I didn't have the energy to set a trap last night, but I left the porch light on and was rewarded by another flock of Footmen (these Royal occasions do drag on), together with 2 Engrailed, 2 Yellow-barred Brindle, and a very small greenish pug:

Is it a Green Pug, or possibly a Sloe Pug, or is its condition not good enough to be sure?

Finally, on the ground under the porch light I found this hind-wing:

It looks very distinctive, but I don't recognise it.  Perhaps someone might though?


  1. Great stuff, Chris, very well done. Can't help with your oddities though, sorry.

  2. Congrats re your clay triple lines. Your worn pug looks - at first glance - like a green pug to me (based on the shape of the wing markings). Perhaps the reddish band across the abdomen suggested sloe pug to you?
    `Easy pops`, I thought re your mystery hind wing as it looks - as you say - distinctive. But having fairly carefully gone through photos of moths with wings spread out, I can`t find it! It seems familiar - perhaps someone may put us out of our misery?

  3. Very nice Chris. The True Lover's Knot is a little beauty. Lovely markings.

  4. Thank you all for the comments, and thanks Ian for taking the trouble to search for wing markings. It looks as though it should be very straight forward! I have no books showing wings spread out apart from Richard South's volumes, and that didn't help. However, I'm off to FSC Orielton this weekend (a Dave Grundy course) so I shall take the wing with me and hope that someone will identify it.

  5. Have wing will travel. Enjoy the course this weekend.


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