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Tuesday 13 June 2017

Twenty minutes...

Twenty minutes - that`s the time I reckon I`ve spent actively looking for moths in the last week or so, with the strong winds (and heavy rain at times) putting me off searching by day, trapping at night or - my favourite method this year - `dusking`.
Late last week there was an opportunity to quickly visit the saltmarshes at Llangennech, and I went to the saline ditch where I`d seen Gynnidomorpha vectisana in some quantity on the evening of 31st May. None were to be seen during my early afternoon second visit.
I attach a photo of the location where I`d previously seen this moth and also one of Chris Manley`s wonderful photos, of an individual from here that I gave him on 31st May.

Above: the Gynnidomorpha was mostly found in the ditch alongside the fence, with one side protected from grazing, allowing the food-plant, sea arrow-grass, to thrive.

                                Above: Chris Manley`s high-quality photo of Gynnidomorpha.

During the time that I`ve been rather indolent in terms of moth trapping, both Adam Dare on the coast and Jane Hand in the hills have both been laudably continuing with their trapping - so, full marks! I actually also restarted trapping in the garden last night where there was a nice mix in the traps this morning, though nothing particularly noteworthy; I will do a short blog when I get a chance.
I was also awakened from my `moth torpor` by the arrival of a newly-published book yesterday - `Micro-moth Field Tips` by Ben Smart, a well-produced book that is both informative and attractive and which offers chronological, month-by-month tips on how to find a selection of micros. Recommended.


  1. How does Chris M. get them to sit still long enough to take these brilliant photos!

  2. One of life's great mysteries, that is.

  3. Super photos. I've also ordered that very book, looking forward to reading it along with a nice cuppa...


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