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Sunday 18 June 2017

Peas for breakfast...

A real bumper catch last night (18/6), with high numbers and great variety, as would be expected on a really warm night when moths tend to wander. So far, I`ve counted 61 species of macros alone, with additional good diversity of micros to `process` later today. I only managed one (MV) garden trap out, as I`ve got a very busy few days ahead of me and moth i/d and blogs may well have to wait. If I had the chance to put even more traps out last night (at home and `in the field`), I would really have had a massive `moth crop` to deal with this morning - but there was not the time or the opportunity to do so - alas. I`ll update this blog in due course (or do a fresh one) but, for the time being, a couple of Pwll specialities - two `quality` moths that I get quite regularly. I have some other good/useful records from last night too...

 Above: two cream-bordered green peas were in the trap. Note the reddish edges to the wings, suggesting the SW England/Brittany race of this species.
                              Above: a quick `record shot` of Rhodophaea formosa, an elm feeder.

`Make hay when the sun shines`...tonight looks good for trapping too. Do trap if you can.


  1. Nice to know that the Peas are still around, Ian. Hopefully you didn't eat too many of them for breakfast, that would have been criminal!

  2. Ever so similar, aren't they - like two peas in a pod! Well done Ian.

  3. The one on the right is a little worn (as it was the more restless one) and seconds after the photo was taken, it `legged it` did the blinking`s so hot!
    Both Mel at Llansteffan and Huw John at Pembrey also had the peas last year.

  4. I had peas last night as well, but I ate mine!


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