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Sunday 18 June 2017

Last night at the Pwll home trap...

As already remarked, lesser numbers than on Friday but Argyresthia cupressella once again in the trap and Udea olivalis was a FFY.

Above: having a good year - A. cupressella. A quite new colonist to Britain and associated with cypresses.
                                                               Above: Udea olivalis.
Incidentally, my `bumper moth crop` on Friday night was mostly from a mains actinic, rather than my MV - both had good numbers but the actinic had the better moths. However, this may be due to the trap design rather than the light source and also the traps`different positioning.
As can be seen from the Troserch Woods blog, the small and relatively weak-lighted battery actinics can yield good results though, more normally, numbers can be quite small.

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