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Saturday 27 May 2017

What a night!

Got up at 03:45 to collect the trap from the alder grove at Cwmllwyd and it was obvious that there was a decent crew on board. Feeling somewhat tired, I decided to close the trap until later and I was back in my pit with a cup of tea by 04:30. The weather, as for everyone else, was absolutely horrendous, with continuous thunder claps and lightning so frequent that the sky was as bright as day.

Even so, 194 moths of 52 species were captured: at least 16 of these were FFYs. Nothing so spectacular as Chris with his Stripy, but some goodies nevertheless:

 Alder Kitten


Along with Alder Moth x7, Common Swift, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Knot Grass, Marbled Brown, Grey Birch and Small Angleshades, plus 9 micro species.


  1. Well done to you too Steve. The recent weather has been exceptionally good for trapping.
    I`ll be doing my blog/s probably sometime tomorrow, as I too had some good stuff and results. On Thursday I had 105 or so species (in great numbers) in my garden MV and mains actinic traps; I also had a new county (micro) record.
    I wish now that I`d too trapped last night - there`s nothing like a bit of good old thunder and lightning for for excellent mothing. The original forecast was rain at c 5-6.00am (my inspection time) so I gave it a miss; in the event `the monsoon` came at c 4.00am...drat!

  2. They're all good Steve, and your numbers are really impressive. I love the Alder Kitten, I've only had the Sallow one here.


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